Hi, I'm Seán

I'm a student, scientist, and engineer. Currently, I'm a 6th year student at Coláiste Chiaráin, balancing my studies with developing VerifyMe - an authorship verification system, robust to AI mimicry, that uses stylometry to compare writing style and verify authenticity. I was fortunate enough to be named the BT Young Scientist of 2024 for this work, and I represented Ireland at EUCYS and placed second.

In my free time, I run, read non-fiction, travel, and tinker with projects in my bedroom workshop. I live for solving tangible problems and exploring new ideas where disciplines interconnect.

This site showcases my skills, projects, and other information which I find valuable. I'm always excited to connect with people building meaningful things. If you have any ideas, or any questions, please email me.

Interests: Systems Engineering, Behavioral Psychology, Deep Learning

Featured Projects

Pace Icon
Pace A Minute Timer for Swimmers
VerifyMe Icon
Style Learned Embedding Space Interactive Visualisation
Clock Icon
Clock A Mechanical 7-Segment Display
Spudnik Icon
Spudnik CanSat 2023, Rigid Origami Solar Array

Other Work

Thingiverse Icon
Thingiverse Where I share my 3d-prints

Below are online resources which I find to be especially useful and regularly learn from.

If you have any recommendations please email me.

Actionable Advice

  • Vlogbrothers - spontaneous, daily discussions about life questions, large and small. (~5 minutes)
  • The School of Life - "Self-understanding, calm and emotional maturity." (<5 minutes)
  • Ask Adam Savage - balanced and thoughtful responses to questions from his fans, from the perspective of a maker. (~10 minutes)
  • Newel of Knowledge - playful lectures (with whiteboard) on social interaction, habit formation and understanding one's fundamental psychological needs. (~20 minutes)
  • Goobie and Doobie - long-form talks on health, nutrition, the systems in which we live, and the future of humanity, from a former spine surgeon. (~1 hour)


  • Waking Up - a science based approach to mindfulness, where a neuroscientist helps you focus your attention, practice, and live a life of improved clarity. It also includes a 30-day introductory course and selections of entertaining talks from Alan Watts and many other teachers.


  • Letter Live - actors reading engaging writing. (<5 minutes)
  • AI Explained - reliable updates on developments in language models. (~20 minutes)


  • Little Talk in Slow French - the best French podcast I have found, by a country mile. Each episode is on a new and interesting topic. The speaker introduces new vocabulary in English, as needed, while continuing her discussion in French. At the end of each episode she reads her script again at a regular speed. (~20 minutes)
  • French Audiobooks - a spotify playlist. (~578 hours and 23 minutes)



Problem Enthusiast